inkAID Transferiez Transfer Starter Kit

Item: 27016
Starter kit to transfer images using this film to metal, wood, glass, plastic, paper, fabric and leather with pigment-based inks.
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Item: 27016
Starter kit to transfer images using this film to metal, wood, glass, plastic, paper, fabric and leather with pigment-based inks.
Stock due soon (allow 4 weeks for delivery)
Have you ever had that one-off special substrate to which you wanted to showcase your artwork? Well, with the inkAID image transfer process, you can now!
Quickly transfer your images onto almost any material, including paper, fabric, metal, canvas, wood, tile or other ceramics. See how it's done by watching our video.
The inkAID Image Transfer starter pack includes six 8.5 x 11-inch sheets of inkAID Transfer Film and a 120ml bottle of inkAID Transferiez Image Transfer Medium Concentrate. The inkAID image transfer process allows you to transfer your images to almost any material, including paper, fabric, metal, canvas, wood, and even tile. You print your image onto the transfer film using an inkjet printer with pigment inks and then transfer the image onto your substrate using inkAID Transferiez image transfer medium solution.
Complete Instructions for how to do an image transfer and work with inkAID Transfer Film and inkAID Transferiez Image Transfer Medium can be found on the inkAID website.
91% Isopropyl Alcohol (IPA) is needed to prepare the Transferieze Transfer Medium solution.