Washi 120, F, ISO 100
Flourographic film that gives dreamy effects
Washi 120, W, ISO 25
Paper negative from the original Calotype process
Washi 135, 24 exposures, F, ISO 100
Flourographic film that gives dreamy effects
Washi 135, 36 exposures, X, ISO 100, colour film
Unique C41 or E6 development with no orange mask
Washi 4 x 5, W, ISO 25, 12 sheets
Paper negative from the original Calotype process
Washi Leader 120 for Washi V or W film
Allows easy spooling of handcrafted Washi film
Washi Leader 135 for Washi V or W film
Allows easy spooling of handcrafted Washi film
Washi Z Single Use Camera, 24 exposures
Black and White camera, 24 + 3 exposures, ISO 400, near Infrared film