JOBO and chemist Klaus Wehner have designed a new film developer and fixer with an aim to improve today's B&W Film processing. Together they developed a film developer that allows full use of the film sensitivity and is still characterised by a very fine grain and great sharpness. The JOBO alpha is highly sophisticated and very ecological. To ensure the developer's shelf life, it is supplied in two parts - and mixed and diluted with water only for processing
Then, as a perfect complement to the developer, JOBO has also introduced the special JOBO alpha neutral fixer which is based on sodium thiosulfate. When the JOBO alpha developer is applied in combination with the JOBO alpha neutral fixer, the entire film process takes place in an alkaline to neutral environment. This is the most gentle way of processing the organic film emulsion and at the same time ensuring that the whole process is very environmentally friendly.
The JOBO alpha developer is specifically designed for rotary processing and excels in this but, if necessary, it can also be used for inversion processing.
Also available as a kit JOBO 9210