Firstcall Vision 3 500T ISO 500-800, 135-36

Item: 25184
Re-spooled motion picture industry 35mm film giving amazing results
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Item: 25184
Re-spooled motion picture industry 35mm film giving amazing results
In stock
Everyone knows there needs to be more reliable colour film stock right now. We're pleased to announce that we're doing our bit to eliminate those shortages by offering a new film from Kodak.
Vision 3 500T Color Negative Film 5219 is a 35mm medium-speed (Tungsten-balanced) emulsion, typically sold in large 300 feet rolls for the motion picture industry. Still, we have re-spooled it into camera-sized 32-exposure cassettes.
It offers excellent skin tones and colour reproduction while adding technical innovations that improve product performance and increase product versatility. Ideally suited for indoor or nightscape shooting,
it is an outstanding cinematic film stock for low-light situations. In experiments, we found that you can use it as a daylight film when shot behind an 85B conversion filter.
The proprietary, advanced Dye Layering Technology (DLT) provides noticeably reduced grain in shadows, allowing you to pull out a fantastic amount of shadow detail. The proprietary Sub-Micron Technology
enables two stops of extended highlight latitude to follow the action into a bright light in a single shot without worrying about blown-out details.
You'll find a short exposed leader at both ends because they are spooled in the daylight bulk loader, but you can usually get 34-35exp from each roll. The cassettes are non-DX marked, so if you have an auto camera for DX rating, it will default to ISO 100.
Vision 3 500T can be rated using a range of exposures from ISO 500-800 without push processing, but to process it, you use ECN2 process colour chemicals like those available from Bellini.
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