Filmomat PhotoPlug Shutter-Speed tester

Item: 39129
The worlds first and only optical Shutter-Speed Tester
In stock
Item: 39129
The worlds first and only optical Shutter-Speed Tester
In stock
Get the app and the PhotoPlug and start making precise exposures today.
The "PhotoPlug" is a small device that fits the headphone jack of your iPhone or Android smartphone. It converts light into electrical signals, which are transferred to the phone via the microphone input. To make a measurement, you have to open the camera back, point the camera towards a bright light source and position the PhotoPlug behind the camera.
A graphic in the Shutter Speed App will show a peak when the shutter opens and another when it closes. The time between the two extremes is the shutter speed!
Please note:
In addition to the PhotoPlug, you will need the APP "Shutter-Speed", which is available for download at Apple AppStore for all iOS devices (iOS 8 or higher), as well as in the Google PlayStore for Android Smartphones (Android 4.0.3 or higher).
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