Adox CHS 100 II 35mm, ISO 100, 135-36

Item: 40908
Produces delicate, soft, airy images with open shadows, creamy highlights and a smooth tonal transition.
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Item: 40908
Produces delicate, soft, airy images with open shadows, creamy highlights and a smooth tonal transition.
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Adox CHS 100 II produces delicate, soft, airy images with open shadows, creamy highlights and a smooth tonal transition.
The orthopanchromatic emulsion features a reduced red sensitivity and a curve gap between blue and green, producing deeper skies with standing-out clouds and a balanced tonal reproduction in portraiture. Along with classical grain, CHS 100 II is perfect for fine art photography, delivering an authentic 1960s film look.
Two emulsions coated in a single layer on an archival clear PET 100-micron base make up the film, resulting in a considerable exposure latitude. CHS 100 II responds very well to pull and push-processing.
In 35mm format, Adox CHS100 II has two anti-halation layers (between the emulsion and the base and on the backside), making it very sharp. The reverse side AH layer also diminishes curling and reduces the light-piping effect. This light penetrating through the base into the cartridge is inherent to all polyester-based films and cannot be entirely prevented, and this protects it from bright light, which can fog the first few frames. It is best to load CHS in subdued light.
You can manage sharpness and contrast of CHS 100 II with various developers: velvety soft results in Atomal, balanced contrast and optimal sharpness in FX-39 and high contrast with extra high definition in Adonal/Rodinal.
No other film is sharper, no other film is more finegrained, no other film resolves more lines per mm (up to 800 l/mm).
If used in pictorial photography the film achieves 20 ASA of usable speed in ADOTECH developer. If used for high contrast purposes the usable speed increases to 80 ASA. If developed in non dedicated low contrast developers (HC 110, cafenol etc) it can be exposed at 6-12 ASA. The film achieves grain free enlargements of up to 2.5 meters diagonally. This equals mathematical about 500 Megapixels. 12 Megapixel, which is today's standard in high end digital cameras equals 2.4% of 500 Megapixel. This just as a little comparison on the side....
The special monodisperse ultra high resolution emulsion of the film makes it possible. The AHU anti halation layer in between emulsion and base material guarantees sharpness yet preventing any halation effect.
ADOTECH developer brings perfect halftones and increases the speed to 20 ASA and creates images no one would possibly believe to have been made with a 35mm camera.
ADOX CMS 20 has an orthopanchromatic sensitization which differentiates perfectly between colors. The CMS 'sees it all'. No green filter is necessary in portrait photography.
The film's base is totally transparent making it theoretically possible to reverse it and use it as an ultrahighresolution slide film with extreme projecting possibilities.
In order to do so you need to combine a reversal process with adotech as a first developer.
Once you shot this film you never want to use anything with less capabilities unless you have too.
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