By Euan Gray on 16th May 2016
"It isn't Ektar-vibrant and it doesn't have the exposure tolerance of Portra, but in the right conditions this film does give perfectly acceptable results. Those right conditions are important to know - you DO need accurate metering and you DO need lots of light. This is not a film for marginal lighting and to be frank it does not have a lot of exposure latitude - it's not a "difficult" film, you just need to know its limitations. I haven't tried it with flash and so can't say how it performs there.
I tried it first in a Cosina C1 with fairly basic metering. The results were ok as snapshots, nothing wrong with them but equally nothing great, looking alternately under- and over-exposed by a little. I tried another roll on my EOS 1V which has much more accurate metering (and to be fair much better lenses), and this time the results were pretty good. Bright colours, natural and not distorted or shifted. It appears to be more sensitive to red light than green - a chestnut horse appeared well coloured whereas the grass he was standing on was somewhat flat in the photograph. To put it in some sort of context and knowing this is subjective, I'd rate this as being somewhere around the quality level of Fuji C200 (not Superia 200, which is better) for rather less money.
If your camera has reasonably accurate metering and you want a budget film to record some summer days (assuming we get them), then this is recommended."