LPL 7700 VCCE Multicontrast Enlarger

Item: 12005
B&W, up to 6 x 7cm, uses filter wheel, prints up to 16 x 20in.
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Item: 12005
B&W, up to 6 x 7cm, uses filter wheel, prints up to 16 x 20in.
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The LPL VC7700 Multicontrast Enlarger. Designed for use with variable contrast papers, the VC7700 automatically selects the appropriate filtration for user-specified paper grades. It is two channel lamp house features separate dials and readouts: out for Kodak Polycontrast paper and one for Ilford Multigrade and compatible papers.
A built-in neutral density filter is automatically introduced and retracte from the light path to keep exposure constant over the entire range of paper grade settings. Supported formats are from 35mm to 6x7cm.
Format Size: 35mm up to 6x7cm
Baseboard dimensions: 45 x 60 cm (18x23 inches)
Column height 110 cm (43inches)
Height 125 cm (49 inches) with lamphouse fully raised
Light source 100W (12V) Quartz halogen lamp
Power source Transformer (12V output)
Electrical input 220V Illumination Diffusion via mixing chamber
Filtration Dichroic (yellow magenta) automatically regulated
Focusing White light system
Focus control Double rail friction drive
Baseboard magnification 17.6x (35mm negative 50mm lens) 8.6x (6x6cm negative & 75mm lens)
Lens mount From 39mm to 53mm
Elevation control
Counterbalanced chassis,
oversized brake knob
Distortion control Lens stage shifts and tilts, lamphouse tilts
Weight Approximately 16 kg (35 lbs)
Universal Carrier, Glassless 6 x 4.5cm negative carrier and Glassless 6 x 6cm negative carrier included.
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