Product Description
Ilford Ortho Plus is a black and white copy film that is particularly recommended for continuous tone copy work, with no sacrifice in quality when the original includes line work. It has an ISO rating of 80 for daylight / natural light or 40 for use under Tungsten light sources and offers superb photographic potential thanks to its fine grain and sharpness.
Ideally suited for landscape photography, the blue and green sensitivity enables the film to be handled in dark red safelight and allows processing by inspection. Use a 15-watt bulb at a minimum distance of 1.2m / 4ft but keep safelight exposure to a minimum for best results.
This versatile film allows you to fine-tune the contrast by the choice of developer, the exposure given and the development time. It is possible to achieve an accurate reproduction of most black and white originals, or to maintain a clean background in copies of combined line and continuous tone originals. Its lack of red sensitivity also means that reds and oranges are rendered darker with stronger contrast than standard panchromatic films.
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