Fotospeed ST20 Sepia Toner 150ml - Makes 1.5L

Item: 13033
Fotospeed ST20 Sepia Toner will produce a fixed sepia tone on both Fibre and Resin Coated B&W papers.
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Item: 13033
Fotospeed ST20 Sepia Toner will produce a fixed sepia tone on both Fibre and Resin Coated B&W papers.
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Fotospeed ST20 Sepia Toner will produce a fixed sepia tone on both Fibre and Resin Coated B&W papers. It comprises two parts : Part1 - Bleach & Part 2 - Toner. Each part mixes separately to make two working solutions. This toner will give a traditional sepia colour with no control over the colour.
Part 1: Bleach - Dilute 1+9 with water to make the volume of working solution.
Part 2: Toner - Dilute 1+9 with water to make the volume of working solution.
Having selected the print to be toned ensure that it has been fully fixed and washed. In the case of dry prints, first soak them in water for 1 minute to ensure even take up of bleach.
Both the Bleach and Toner working solutions can be kept for reuse in airtight containers. Both solutions will however deteriorate once used and a slow-down in activity should be anticipated together with a colour shift in the toner on subsequent prints. To maintain consistency of sepia tone, it is advisable to make up only small quantities (approx. 200mls) of working solution at a time. After putting 5 - 8x10 prints through 200mls of solution, it will become exhausted. Each litre should process 25 - 8x10 prints assuming average density.
If there is any doubt that the print to be toned has been fully fixed and washed, it should be refixed and rewashed thoroughly before beginning toning. Staining on a toned print can result from the print having been inadequately fixed and washed before hand .
Variable contrast papers may be slow to react with the bleach. If this occurs extend the bleaching time or make the bleach more concentrated. The whole procedure should be done under normal room or daylight conditions.
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