Kodak chemicals are temporarily unavailable, so we've purchased this alternative from Fotoimpex. They have sourced the original mixture from the same manufacturer who produced this for Kodak for the past three years.
All developing times, dilutions, factors, and replenishing rates are identical tto the Kodak original.
110 is a concentrated liquid developer for the rapid development of most black-and-white films. It suits scientific, technical, commercial, industrial and press photography. Negative quality is similar to that produced with D-76 but with shorter development times.
It is highly active, extremely versatile and easy to use. Maximum shadow detail and long-density scales are possible without losing film speed or sharpness. It comes in a single concentrate, but there are SEVEN options for diluting the 500ml bottle. Our graphic shows these, and more information on using your exact film is on the Digitaltruth.com site.