Product Description
CineStill is an ISO 800 Tungsten film that can be developed in normal C41 chemistry. Balanced for household lighting at 3200 K, this film is versatile, especially because it can be rated between ISO 200 - ISO 2000 according to the manufacturer. it is now available in medium format as well as (the original) 35mm.
You probably know that if you shoot with this Tungsten film in daylight conditions, you will need an 85B (orange) filter to lift it from 3200K to 5600K. Sadly, these are no longer available as screw in filters - but Cokin do a slot-in version in the P range. However, if you want to use it for studio photography, you can use Tungsten lights (which tend to be hotter but cheaper than daylight balanced lights) for the job.
CineStill is a repackaged and reworked Kodak Vision 3 500T 5219 movie film which will develop with standard C41 processes.
Recommended ISO and acceptable exposure for push processing:
- ISO 800 - No push - EI 200-1600
- ISO 1250 - 1 stop push - EI 800-2000
- ISO 1600 - 2 stop push - EI 1250-3200
- ISO 3200 - 3 stop push - EI 1600-3200 (added contrast)
- Colour Balanced Tungsten color negative motion picture film stock for use as still photography film
- Factory spooled with self-adhesive labels inside
- Remjet backing free, resulting in a slight halation effect
- Designed for difficult low light tungsten situations
- When shot in daylight, an 85B filter is recommended and shooting the film at 500 ISO
- Acceptable for push processing up to 3200 ISO
- Recommended to process C-41 without worrying about remjet
Expiration: The new boxed CineStill film has an extended shelf life with less noticeable artifacts after expiration, but should be stored in the fridge and shot within 6 months of purchase to achieve optimal results. Exposed film should be processed promptly in C-41 chemistry to preserve latent image latitude and color fidelity. All current productions of CineStill have expiration dates for two years from manufacture date on the box. If you have earlier productions of 800T (no retail box) or your film does not have an expiration date, it is likely age fogged.
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