Product Description
Berspeed is a brilliant fine grain powder developer from Bergger. Being a powder, it has all the advantages of ID11 or Microphen plus a lot more.
By using it you can significantly increase the speed or sensitivity of your film during its development. When used this way, the characteristics of the chemical mean that the highlights are not burned out and shadows remain full.
Alternatively, when used for normal development (at the acknowledged film speed), it delivers excellent results with very fine grain, shadows and detailed highlights.
Often acknowledged as the modern replacement for Acufine developer by BKA, it is system matched for BRF or Pancro film but equally suited to all classic films such as the Kodak TriX and Ilford HP5+ as well as the T-Gain films such as the Kodak T-Max or Ilford Delta.
Inside the packet are two parts that you mix together to make a stock of 5 litres which you can then further diluteto make 10 litres with a further 5 litres of water.
For sample processing times, please see the PDF user sheet.
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