Product Description
Pyrogallol or Pyrogallic Acid is a developing agent often used for its tanning qualities. It most famous use of recent times was by Gordon Hutchings who invented PMK developer( its main ingredients, pyrogallol, Metol, and sodium metaborate]). PMK is still considered to be one of the best ever compensating developers.
A typical pyro-metol formula for Platinum Printing, identical to Wimberly's W2D2, for formula except for the restraining agent in solution B, is as follows:
Solution A
Distilled Water (at 125 deg. F) 1 litre
Metol 3 grams
Sodium Bisulfite 10 grams
Pyrogallol 30 grams
Solution B
Distilled Water 1 litre
Sodium Carbonate (monohydrate) 40 grams
It has a molecular formula C6H3(OH)3
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