Adox Starter Developing Kit for Black and White Film

Item: 26014
Everything you need to develop your own b/w film
Available (allow 2 weeks for delivery)
Item: 26014
Everything you need to develop your own b/w film
Available (allow 2 weeks for delivery)
This kit is a great way to get you processing black and white film for the first time. It is the only kit we sell that contains both the accessories AND chemicals needed to go straight from an unexposed movie from your camera to give you a finished, developed negative in your hands. The kit allows you to process 35mm or medium format (120mm) film.
Although essential, the kit contains the following items:
- a Paterson two-film tank with two spirals
- a thermometer
- an Adox 25 ml Rodinal measuring cylinder
- an Adox 1000 ml measuring jug
- 100 ml of ADONAL film developer
- 100 ml of ADOFIX Fixer
- 100 ml of ADOFLO wetting agent
- an exposed film to practice with the film spooling process
- a comprehensive manual with many images explaining the film development process
You can develop ten films with this kit before reordering any chemistry.
The following items are assumed to be in your house already:
- a dark room to spool the film (alternatively, buy a changing bag)
- a stop clock with a minute hand
- a pair of scissors
- a pair of clothes pegs to hang the film for drying
- a measuring beaker
Suppose you need any of these ancillary items. In that case, they are all available to purchase separately from us, as is a low-price scanner for you to load your negatives into your PC/Mac or expand equipment for printing.
This item is available for collection.